Academic Partners
19th - 21st March, 2025
Publication Partner
Conference Proceedings in Springer Book Series “Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems” (LNNS), Scopus indexed
Extended papers will be submitted to Open Access Journal by MDPI:
Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity: Challenges and Opportunities
Privacy-Preserving and System Security Control Based on Machine Learning
(Impact Factor 2.5, CiteScore 5.3)
indexed within Scopus, SCIE (Web of Science), Inspec, CAPlus / SciFinder, and other databases
In association with the Automatic Control, Computers & Electronics Deptt., Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Romania, the University of Haute-Alsace, France and Northeastern University, USA
March 19 - 21, 2025
Hybrid Mode
Authors are invited to submit full papers in English of not more than 12 pages (including figures, tables & references) in Springer format. Submissions must present original work that has not been previously published, and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference and is not under submission elsewhere. All articles will be reviewed for technical and scientific quality by the Technical Program Committee (TPC) and external reviewers. Submissions should use the general Springer template with a minimum font size of 10 points. All papers must include a title, abstract, keywords, and complete contact information of all authors on the cover page. The corresponding author should be identified clearly. The references should include all published literature relevant to the paper.
Submissions must be either in PDF or in MS-Word. For details, see Springer's Author Instructions.
Papers must be submitted electronically in (doc/docx/ PDF) format via on-line submission using the Easy Chair system at the link given below.
As per ETTIS-2025 plagiarism policy, any manuscript considered for presentation and publication should not contain more than 15% plagiarism in total and not more than 5% similarity from a single source.
Download Paper Format (Latex / Word)
Full papers: Authors are welcome to contribute to the conference by submitting articles in all of the related areas of knowledge and results in theory, methodology, and applications of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Big Data, Cyber-Physical Systems, Quantum Technologies, Smart Systems, and Security, in Industrial/Real-World settings.
There will be (oral) presentation sessions for all of the accepted papers.
List of Topics
Development and deployment of AI applications to important domains (i.e., healthcare, sustainability, transportation, finance, cyber-physical systems, manufacturing, business, government applications)
Big data, data mining, and machine learning tools
AI and ML-based optimization methods for industrial/practical applications
Deep learning, fuzzy and neural systems
AI/ML techniques in robotics
AI/ML methods for computer vision, image processing, pattern recognition
Natural language processing, speech understanding
Evolutionary/bio-inspired algorithms
Explainable AI
Hybrid intelligent systems
Recent trends of AI in programming languages
Applied AI for cybersecurity
Heuristic and AI planning strategies and tools
Probabilistic reasoning, case-based reasoning, constraint programming
Ethics, standards, legal implications and challenges of AI implications in government and public organizations
Quantum Technologies
Big Data
Cloud and grid computing for Big Data
Machine Learning and AI for Big Data
Big Data Analytics and Social Media
5G and Networks for Big Data
Cyber Security Situational Awareness
AI for Cyber and Cyber for AI
Operations in Cyberspace
The Human Factor in Cyber Security and Resilience
ICT governance and management for digital transformation
Cyber Resilience of Industry 4.0
Protecting Critical Infrastructures from Cyberattacks
Cybersecurity of Biophysical and Biomedical Systems
Societal Resilience to Cybrid Influence
Education and Training for Cyber Security and Resilience
Digital Organizations in Big Data Environment
Sharing Data in Support of Digital Transformation
Information Security Policy for Wireless Networks
Kindly Note: As per ETTIS-2025 plagiarism policy, any manuscript considered for presentation and publication should not contain more than 15% plagiarism in total and not more than 5% similarity from a single source.